Puradigm provides widespread air and surface solutions.

Schools & Daycares
Reduces viruses, bacteria, mold, VOCs and other contaminants on all surfaces by over 99%.
Lowers absenteeism for students, teachers and other staff.
Purifies and controls odors from lockers rooms, showers, gymnasiums and play areas.
Is salable to any size room or auditorium.
Is 100% organic and certified safe.
Reduced odors for a fresh smelling facility
Cleaner, safer environment for children and staff
Reduced liability related to the spread of sickness or disease
Brand enhancement and marketing opportunity over competitors
Reduced maintenance and cleaning costs.
PURADIGM Technology has been developed to address many of the challenges child care facilities face. Our objective is to assist in the management of viruses, bacteria and other potentially dangerous pathogens in the air and on surfaces children come in contact with.
“We conducted a pilot program at the University of Louisville Athletic Department. The day after we installed Puradigm units, they called and said the locker room smell was gone. All levels of mold and bacteria were reduced, in some cases, literally to zero.”
- Chris Schotz, Diversified Distribution Co., Clarksville, Indiana